Technical data

Depth/Width: Ø 1,30 m
Height: 0,91 m
Safety zone: Ø 5,30 m
Safety zone m2: 22,06 m2
Falling height: 0,91 m
Foundations depth: 0,85 m

Idun – 00303

With the IDUN carousel, the children can spin around by grabbing the handles, run next to it and have the carousel spin. A fun spinning game develops both tactile and vestibular senses – also known as the roundabout sense.
Tactile senses are stimulated as the child feels the wind and breeze on their face and hair. – And when the child spins around, the child gets a sense of rhythm in relation to body movement and balance skills improve.

Play skills such as spinning, climbing – practicing coordination and balance
are essential for children’s motor development and strengthen their readiness to learn.

For a specific offer including installation and support, contact Norwell.


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